
【News in Taiwan】Panamá breaks 107-year diplomatic ties with Taiwan

【News in Taiwan】
Panamá breaks 107-year diplomatic ties with Taiwan

Juan Carlos, the Panamanian president, tweeted a message this morning: "I communicate to the country and to the world that Panama and the People's Republic of China establish diplomatic relations today." Although the Panamanian official have its long-standing ties with Taiwan, this relationship appeared to be more unstable during the presidency of the former president Ma Ying-jeou. In order to obtain more funds and technical supports, Panama switches diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to China by accepting the China’s discipline “only one China in the world”. Despite of expressing "anger and regret" from Tsai Ing-wen as a Taiwanese representative, Taiwanese still could not prevent this from happening again in the future.
巴拿馬總統Juan Carlos在Tweet一早發文提到,「我向全國及全世界說明,今日巴拿馬與中華人民共和國正式建交。」雖然巴拿馬官方長期以來與台灣有邦交關係,但是這關係早在2009年前任總統馬英九任期間就開始變得不穩定。巴拿馬為了獲取更多資金與技術支援,它藉著接受了中國的「一中原則」,而從對臺灣轉變成對中國外交認同。即使蔡英文代表臺灣表達不滿與悔恨之意,臺灣人民也無法避免這類事件再度發生。

For Taiwan, this is not the new overture of severing diplomatic relations between Taiwan and other countries. Now, the most important things is how should Taiwan authority maintain the fine relationship with the remaining 20 formal diplomatic partners.

Reference from BBC news: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-40256499
The statement of Panamanian ministry of exterior relationship: https://goo.gl/v8Ezhc



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