
【News in Taiwan】Taiwan is not allowed in 2017 to participate in WHA

This year the World Health Assembly takes place in Switzerland, but Taiwan cannot attend this world conference because of the controversial issue between Taiwan and China.
Since 2009, Taiwan has begun to gain admission to an observer in WHA. The Taiwanese government then seized every opportunity to discuss health issues with many countries. Also Taiwan shared the experiences of disease prevention and the health insurance system.
But, in May 2017, Taiwan did not receive the invitation letter, and it means China was fed up with the cold war with Taiwan. Human health problems are borderless. Then, more than 10 diplomatic allies presented proposals to help Taiwan, then the US, Germany, Japan and Australia and supported this argument.

Taiwan Preps for Wave of Anger if Barred From UN Health Event

Taiwan’s bid to attend WHA finds support from range of countries present at conference

Minister Luke Browne at World Health Assembly 2017

United State stand for Taiwan in WHA

Germany stand for Taiwan in WHA


【News in Taiwan】Taiwan will approve the marriage of LGBT in two years

Today, judges of the Judical Yuan in Taiwan explained the conflict of homosexual marriage between the national constitution and civil law. Taiwan step closer to being the first in Asia for same-sex marriage.
When parliaments wanted to change the laws in 2016, they encountered some difficulties over family members' titles and inadequate civil law laws. At this moment, there are two opinions: did we go to create a new law for LPGT? Or do we just changed the titles in our civil law?
Finally, the Judicial Yuan in Taiwan confirmed that some contents of our civil law are not enough to guarantee the rights of all genders. So, parliaments have to amend all laws to equal marriage within two years.

禁止同性結婚違憲 台灣大法官做出判決

臺灣司法院大法官釋字第 748 號 【同性二人婚姻自由案】

Taiwan's top court rules in favour of same-sex marriage

Taiwan is closer to being 1st Asian place to allow same-sex marriage